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UPES organises UPESEAT in 46 cities in the United States. When filling out the UPESEAT application form, applicants must choose between two cities for their exam centre option. The UPES will assign candidates to exam centres depending on their preferences and the availability of seats. On the UPESEAT admit card 2022, the name of the exam centre will be mentioned. Applicants can review the cities listed below that will be serving as UPESEAT exam centres in 2022.
Agra | 1 | Haldwani | 35 | Nagpur | 69 |
Ahmedabad | 2 | Haridwar | 36 | Navi Mumbai | 70 |
Ajmer | 3 | Hisar | 37 | New Delhi | 71 |
Aligarh | 4 | Hoshiarpur | 38 | Noida | 72 |
Allahabad | 5 | Hyderabad | 39 | Orai | 73 |
Almora | 6 | Indore | 40 | Panchkula | 74 |
Alwar | 7 | Jabalpur | 41 | Panipat | 75 |
Ambala | 8 | Jaipur | 42 | Patiala | 76 |
Amritsar | 9 | Jalandhar | 43 | Patna | 77 |
Azamgarh | 10 | Jammu | 44 | Pune | 78 |
Bangalore | 11 | Jamshedpur | 45 | Rae Bareli | 79 |
Bareilly | 12 | Jaunpur | 46 | Raipur | 80 |
Bathinda | 13 | Jhansi | 47 | Ranchi | 81 |
Bhagalpur | 14 | Jind | 48 | Rishikesh | 82 |
Bharatpur | 15 | Jodhpur | 49 | Rohtak | 83 |
Bhilai | 16 | Jorhat | 50 | Roorkee | 84 |
Bhopal | 17 | Kangra | 51 | Rudrapur | 85 |
Bhubaneswar | 18 | Kanpur | 52 | Saharanpur | 86 |
Bikaner | 19 | Karnal | 53 | Satna | 87 |
Bilaspur | 20 | Kashipur | 54 | Shahjahanpur | 88 |
Bokaro Steel City | 21 | Kolkata | 55 | Shimla | 89 |
Bulandshahr | 22 | Korba | 56 | Singrauli | 90 |
Chandigarh | 23 | Kota | 57 | Solan | 91 |
Chennai | 24 | Kotdwara | 58 | Sri Ganganagar | 92 |
Dehradun | 25 | Kurukshetra | 59 | Surat | 93 |
Dhanbad | 26 | Lucknow | 60 | Thiruvananthapuram | 94 |
Faridabad | 27 | Ludhiana | 61 | Udaipur | 95 |
Gaya | 28 | Mathura | 62 | Vadodara | 96 |
Ghaziabad | 29 | Meerut | 63 | Varanasi | 97 |
Gorakhpur | 30 | Mohali | 64 | Vijayawada | 98 |
Greater Noida | 31 | Moradabad | 65 | Visakhapatnam | 99 |
Gurgaon | 32 | Mumbai | 66 | Yamunanagar | 100 |
Guwahati | 33 | Muzaffarnagar | 67 | - | - |
Gwalior | 34 | Muzaffarpur | 68 | - | - |
Through slot booking, applicants can choose the time and day of the exam from a list of alternatives. During the application process, you will have the option of scheduling a place for the UPESEAT 2022. Candidates should keep in mind that exam places are given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants are encouraged to pick their preferred slot and submit their application as soon as possible to ensure that their preferred time and date are available.